Sin; integrated into culture

As many of you know, I don’t blog much. It’s just that these thoughts have been swirling around in my head for most of the afternoon, and I’d like to get them out there. (and a single facebook status probably isn’t long or verbose enough to say what I want.)

I am conflicted inside. On one hand, we are not judges of other people (remember, we are all sinful as they are, our sins are just less visibile externally, and therefore more dangerous!). On the other hand, a huge portion of the population is chosing to live in such a way that they are turned away from God. It’s truly heartbreaking.

Meanwhile, being banned never really stopped anyone from doing what they really want. I mean, look at “illegal” drugs, gun “control”, and other things that are illegal yet commonplace. Legislating morality has proved futile over and over again, and in some cases may even increase the illegal activity. Keeping same-sex marriage illegal probably won’t keep people from taking part.

I believe one of the most dangerous things to the Christian is for the evil one to convince us that sin is “the way things are”, and therefore not dangerous. Look at pre-marital sex in the secular world. It’s become so invasive into our culture that not doing it is somehow considered “weird” and “strange.”

What other sins do we see as “not dangerous” that our great-grandparents would’ve found highly offensive a mere hundred years ago? I suspect that a hundred years from now, same-sex marrige will be in a similar position.

I pray for those celebrating today as a victory, and mourn for God’s children who will not see the danger in their future sins.

I also rest (as I always strive to) in the fact that God is soverign, and that todays rulings are not a surprise to God. God’s plan is greater than we could ask or imagine, and this is just a tiny piece of it.